New Educational Music: Multiply Two (Remix) by Brainsprays
Written by Staff Writer on September 26, 2020
This virtual band was created by a father and daughter team. The song packs a lot of energy and is sure to grab the attention of children from coast to coast.
This cut goes over the multiplication table for the number two. Children will sing along after a couple of listens and expand their grasp on math.
We caught up with the father and he was nice enough to answer a few questions for Hits You Love Radio.
What is your music background?
Brainsprays are a virtual band created by a father (52) and daughter (4) that write songs to help very young children learn to read and multiply before they get to school. The father went to Berklee College of Music and the daughter learned to spell her name using a major scale when she was about 18 months old. The other members of the band are all touring musicians, a resident DJ and professional studio musicians.
Who are your musical influences?
We love all music that moves people.
What are your long-term career goals?
Our goals are for the careers of children that learn through our music. Music already changes the world everyday. We believe there’s a chance for it to do so in a more quantitative way by supercharging the biggest factor of economic progress: education. We want more children from every walk of life to have the tools they need to pursue the things many children dream of, but only those with a solid background in reading and math can realistically attain.
What type of recording process do you use and who produced your music?
Typically Lorenzo and Isabella give a melody and bass line to Isadora, the producer extraordinaire. Isadora creates a backing track and Lorenzo brings vocalists, horns and other parts in from specialists we’ve worked with successfully. That becomes the “Brainsprays” band for the initial mix. After we have a master ready, we may create additional parts (such as an enhanced bass line or an additional lead guitar part) and then we send that on to our DJ, Magnus, along with a recommended groove, for the remix version.
Do you ever get the chance to perform live?
Everyone on the team other than Lorenzo and Isabella perform live regularly, if they live in a country or state that is not on COVID19 lockdown.
Are you looking to remain independent or would you prefer a major label deal?
We don’t consider ourselves independent and we are not looking for a label deal. We will never be independent because we work solely for the benefit of very young children and their parents to make music that allows them to acquire skills years ahead of time. These means we don’t just make whatever comes to mind. We first have to prove that the lyrics we are delivering are tied to a teaching method we know is superior in some way for small children to learn to do advanced tasks years ahead of what is normal.
If anything, what would you change about the music industry today?
Nothing. For us it’s perfect.
Do you have any advice for up-and-coming artists?
I don’t believe we are qualified to answer this question. Musicians have to find their own path in many cases and that journey has a symbiotic impact on the music one ultimately creates.
Anything else you want to say on the people?
If you’re reading this article, you’ve helped someone somewhere teach the leaders of tomorrow how to read and multiply earlier in life. Thank you for that. Thank you. If you stream any of our music, you’ve done even more to help children learn to read and multiply before kindergarten, since 30% of any streaming proceeds we receive are earmarked for literacy and numeracy nonprofits.